Episode 50: "But what do you do?" w/ Matt McElroy
We did it! We made it! We have reached 50 episodes and we are not slowing down. This could not have happened without the love and support from our friends, family, and of course fans. You guys are great and here is to 50 more!
To help us celebrate this very special episode we have Onyx Path's Matt McElroy on as a guest to help talk us through his duties as Operations Director. In addition he regales us with his time spent honing his craft while working at DrivethruRPG. As an extra special treat, you will hear some new intro and outro music. All of that was brought to you by our wonderful Patrons who sponsor the show through Patreon.com/Polyhedron. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show because Polyhedron's 50th episode is on the air!
The Production Process
Streaming Services Bring New Players to RPGs
Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition Kickstarter
Og Unearthed (Caveman, the RPG)
Adventures in Middleearth
The Fall of Delta Green & Cubicle7
Flames Rising (Matt's Company Website)
Onyx Path Contact page
Google Play Music! (If you don't see our logo, just hit the "Listen Now" button)
Email: Polyhedronpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: Matthew (@bioimportance), Scott (@divismalkav), Ryan (@rjuous), Matt McElroy (@mmm666), @Polyhedroncast
Patreon: http://patreon.com/polyhedron
RSS Feed: Link
Reddit: Link
Facebook: Headcanon Games