Episode 049: "Do you have your list?" w/ Chris Tang
Christopher Tang of DrivethruRPG sits us down on his knees and tells us the tales as old as time. He not only goes through some of the robust and fascinating history of roleplaying games, but because Chris is a super-fan of the show, he brought us a list of items that we have never mentioned here on Polyhedron. Literally this is the most educational episode we have ever done. So sit back, relax, and start taking notes because polyhedron is on the air!
10) Endrigohr
9) Spycraft
8) Aces & Eight's
7) Tunnels & Trolls
6) Castle Fulkenstien
5) Burning Wheel / Jayhad: The Burning Sands
4) Mutant city Blues
3) Blades in the Dark
2) Index Card RPG
1) Apocalypse World
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Email: Polyhedronpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: Matthew (@bioimportance), Scott (@divismalkav), Ryan (@rjuous) , Chris Tang (@Christangwriter), @Polyhedroncast
Patreon: http://patreon.com/polyhedron
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Facebook: Headcanon Games
Opening Theme: "Ident" by Ogre off Ogre 195
Polyhedron is a production of Headcanon Games LLC