Episode: 016 "What do I do with this yarn?"
These ladies are crafty! No, literally - they create all sorts of stuff out of a ton of different materials. Yarn, cardboard, plastic, cloth, foam… please send help. Its a problem. They’re knitting a sweater around me as we speak!
We’re going off the (slightly) well-worn groove in the collective consciousness that is Polyhedron this week. The Ladies of Polyhedron have returned! They’ll be discussing how they use their prodigious crafting skills in relation to gaming; not only do they make costumes and props for LARPS, they’ve been able to make a little money on the side. So, roll up your sleeves and warm up your glue-guns!
PS - The Polyhedron crew are having a Meet & Greet in the real world! We’ll be at the Hyatt Regency in Downtown Atlanta - specifically the bar - at 8PM on Thursday, September 1st (also known as The Day Before Dragon*Con). If you’re in town and want to meet the hosts of the best podcast ever (our moms say so), then come on down!
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Email: Polyhedronpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: Matthew (@Bioimportance), Scott (@divismalkav), Ryan (@rjuous)
Patreon: http://patreon.com/polyhedron
RSS Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Polyhedron
Facebook: Headcanon Games
Opening Theme: "Ident" by Ogre off Ogre 195
Polyhedron is a production of Headcanon Games LLC