Polyhedron Plays - Shadowrun Anarchy Ep. 1 "Do you think this is a milk run?"
Welcome to Polyhedron's first "Actual Play" of Shadowrun Anarchy. We wanted to give everyone a taste of our new series as the Polyhedron crew (Scott, Matthew, and Ryan) dive into the awesome weird world of Shadowrun. We are GM'ed by The Dark Archive's James Davey and it is turning out to be one hell of a ride.
Now, your normal polyhedron episodes will continue on April 2nd. However until we reach a specific patreon goal the remainder of this series will only be made available for Patrons. So if you like this series and want to hear more of it, please consider becoming a patron today.
Now sit back, relax, and let big data take you as Polyhedron Plays is on the matrix!
Shadowrun Anarchy
Neo Anarchist
The Dark Archive (Jame's Podcast)
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Email: Polyhedronpodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: Matthew (@bioimportance), Scott (@divismalkav), Ryan (@rjuous), James Davey (@ DarkArchivepod), @Polyhedroncast
Patreon: http://patreon.com/polyhedron
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