Episode 55 "Why are we in a Tiki Bar?" w/Chris Tang
Ahoy! Welcome to R'leyh's All Night Tiki Bar. Oh, don't mind that weird feeling of someone walking across your crave. Nor that the otherworldly landscape right outside the restaurant windows. Nothing to be worried about at all.
Chris joins us again to talk about the latest RPG news as well as pitch his most recent Kickstarter. Our discussion bounces all over the place, but you know what? That is fine. The last few episodes have been intense and we could use a nice relaxing episode. So sit back, grab a tiki mug, and enjoy the sounds of cultists chanting, for Polyhedron is on the air!
The Pallid Mask Kickstarter
Stronghold & Followers Kickstarter
Princess Bride Kickstarter
Miskatonic Repository
Trinity Continuum Kickstarter
Onyx Path Publishing
Eddy's business site
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Twitter: Matthew (@bioimportance), Scott (@divismalkav), Ryan (@rjuous), Chris Tang (@Christangwriter), @Polyhedroncast
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