Episode 52: "Divis Mal has arms?!"
Look, up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! No, It's a four armed quantum fueled super-powered man with what I think is a trans-humanist agenda?
Welcome back folks, we missed you. It is 2018 and Polyhedron is not missing a beat. In this episode we look deep into the second line of Trinity games known as "Aberrant". Wherein you play super powered people, who are the new "IT" thing and the world is your ouster. However, not everyone is cool with these new power players and all these tensions lead to the near apocalyptic events of the near future's Aberrant War. It is exciting stuff; full of mystery, intrigue, philosophy, over-the-top super heroics, and dastardly deeds. So sit back, relax, and try not to fly off into the sun, because Polyhedron is on the air!
Onyx Path - Aberrant Website
Drivethru RPG - Aberrant
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